Going on 9 months without missing an episode and scheduled the 87th episode for release. Growing steadily. Thank you for following along!
Here are my statistics between the podcast, website, email newsletter, YouTube and reddit. I made the decision to ignore Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and I that has been a good one.

I was featured on BiggerPockets on July 30th and a lot of traffic followed!
Check out that episode here.

As for the website, here is my traffic data from the beginning. I need to do some SEO work. Know anybody?

I’ve got 974 people on my email newsletter. I have 274 YouTube Subscribers. Its going a little slower over there but I only started putting effort into this over the past 2 weeks.

The Reddit community is what I’m most excited about. There is more engagement going on there than forums that people work for years to build. I’m really glad I made the decision to utilize reddit as the forum for the community.

I’m having fun. Meeting amazing people. Interviewed Rock Thomas today and it was a serious reward for all of the hard work. The episode won’t release until next Wednesday but I can’t wait to share it: