When you are starting a company time is of the essence. You need to learn and sell and get your service to market as fast as possible. Your opportunity cost is huge. You could be earning in the workforce or pursuing any number of opportunities.
Its time to get uncomfortable. Its time to set goals. Not just normal average vague “we’ll see what happens” kind of goals.
I’m talking about serious uncomfortable goals. Goals that can be measured with real numbers. Goals that have deadlines and dates attached.
I will put out 20 yard signs this Saturday. I will attend two open houses and hand out 250 flyers this weekend. I will knock on 30 doors after work. I will build my website and have it completed by tomorrow at noon.
Now the most important goals are the goals tied to your financial projections. The goals that will tell the story on the overall health and potential of your business. The goals that if you don’t hit you decide to move on and the lofty goals that if you do hit you decide to double down and get aggressive or quit your job.
If I don’t hit ______ in sales in the next _____ days I will _________. If I don’t get ________ customers in the next _________ days I will move on to my next business. If I get ______ customers in ________ consecutive months I will double my marketing spend.
You have to give these goals a shot by really getting after it with the marketing and sales goals you can control. You can’t just set lofty goals and pray they get accomplished. You have to get out and make them happen.
Get out and make your own luck!