
How 142 hours of guerrilla marketing earned a moving company in Phoenix $30k a month in recurring revenue

Show notes from Episode 44. A lesson in the power of getting face to face with people in this interview with entrepreneur Max Maher. He owns a company in Phoenix called Skinny Wimp Moving. Hes 23 years old and brings in over a million a year in sales with a 30% profit margin. He did […]

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April 26, 2019 2 mins read

How to start a custom closet building company

I moved into a new house recently and all of my amazing storage space had cheap crappy wire shelving inside. The main issues were my walk in closet: And my laundry room: I didn’t get a before picture of the pantry but it was also pretty bad. So I called California Closets and Inspired closets. […]

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April 25, 2019 11 mins read

24 months of work and $100k down the drain – the ups and downs of entrepreneurship

Show notes from podcast episode 45. I rarely dive into my my own business here but I have a story and a lesson worth sharing. I’m always learning and failing and getting back up and pressing onward. I got some bad news this week. A self storage development project that I had been working on […]

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April 24, 2019 12 mins read

The ways early success can set you up for future failure

Show notes from Sweaty Startup podcast episode 43. Your ego begins to cloud your judgement Ego is a touchy balancing act. Early on the ego is what leads to success. It’s what suppresses the fear of failure and the anxiety that goes along with a new business. It’s what allows someone to be comfortable doing […]

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April 16, 2019 6 mins read

How to overcome analysis paralysis (episode 42)

Show notes from The Sweaty Startup podcast episode 42. Analysis paralysis is the act of over-analyzing and over-researching a potential business venture to the point of taking no action at all for long periods of time. Ready… Aim. Aim. Aim. Aim. Aim. Never firing a shot. I would say this (along with the fear of failure) […]

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April 12, 2019 7 mins read

Overcoming anxiety and the fear of failure (episode 30)

We all know that feeling of failure. That feeling of inadequacy. The feeling of rejection. The feeling of embarrassment. The anxiety that comes along with entrepreneurship and generally anything that is worth doing in life. Mine was a basketball game in southern Indiana. Basketball is intense in southern indiana. I was a sophomore and I […]

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April 9, 2019 13 mins read

Successful people aren’t busy (episode 41)

Successful business owners are assumed to be busy. They hear “I know you are very very busy” all the time. Successful people aren’t busy. It’s great that people respect their time but successful people are not busy. They just say no a lot. They prioritize what they spend their time doing. They don’t do things […]

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April 5, 2019 11 mins read

Silent partner in a roofing business?

I live in Seattle. My girlfriend’s brother has a lot of expertise in the roofing industry and wants to start a business with me. Heres the catch – he doesn’t have citizenship so he would need me to form the business, get insurance, run the administrative side of things, and set it all up. I […]

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April 4, 2019 6 mins read

Small business content marketing (episode 37)

Show notes from podcast episode 37. What is content marketing? The practice of creating articles and videos designed to be helpful and of genuine interest to your target customer without explicitly promoting your services or products. This is a case in point example of my favorite business principle of all time – adding value first. You […]

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April 2, 2019 10 mins read

The 5 year plan.

5 years is plenty of time to design the life you wan’t. You don’t need to work 45 years just to retire to then finally get to design your schedule and do what you want to do. Five years from now, if you have the best 5 years of your life from today forward, what […]

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March 31, 2019 2 mins read
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