
Read this before you bring on a partner

Show notes from podcast episode 28 First of all there are a lot of different types of partnerships. In this article we discuss the co-founder. Someone who you bring on initially and they get ownership no matter what. No vesting schedule. No cliff. No way out if things go wrong. This article is the cautious […]

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February 25, 2019 16 mins read

An interesting reflection on the podcast so far

An interesting thing is happening with the podcast. I’m getting a lot of emails from people who have found holes in markets. But their solution is to help the businesses get more customers. Lead generation, website consulting, SEO work, etc for child care centers, HVAC contractors, doctors and all the other 1985 businesses. They don’t […]

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February 21, 2019 2 mins read

What we can all learn from Chick-fil-A

Simplicity A small menu done really really well. Three types of sandwiches (fried, spicy fried, and grilled). Nuggets. Fries and shakes. Boom. Thats it. They take most of their orders with the walk up servers and 90% of customers don’t even need to look at a menu because after you’ve visited once you know it […]

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February 20, 2019 2 mins read

How to start a pressure washing company

Get on your computer and buy a web domain. I like Bluehost for a cheap yet reliable option. Get a freelancer (upwork or fiverr) to make you a logo/flyer and get $45 worth of flyers printed at your local print shop. Buy a box of sidewalk chalk if you really want to grind and get […]

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February 19, 2019 4 mins read

Buying a business. Is it the right call for me?

Show notes for podcast episode 26. On one hand if someone is selling a business I’m immediately a little skeptical. it must have some problems. Why would they sell it if not? It might require too much of their time and energy. It might be stressful. It might be losing money. The future might be […]

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February 18, 2019 17 mins read

How to start a vacation rental or AirBnb management company

Go on craigslist and look at furnished apartments, condos, and homes for rent. Note the number of bedrooms, location, parking etc. Look at condos in great locations. Look at homes near beaches or conference centers. Places near campus in a college town. Those are good targets because they will rent for much more on AirBNB […]

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February 15, 2019 4 mins read

Faculties might have to illustrate a frequent graduate is calculated yearly mortgage fee doesn’t exceed 20% of 8% of the overall profits or his or her discretionary income.

The on line research firms aid students in obtaining hold of the easiest thesis businesses within the industry. The service can do the homework for you so you may possibly avoid from performing. Clearly, custom papers writing services aren’t free. Custom Assist The present world of article writing providers has changed because of the need […]

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February 13, 2019 1 min read

Lawn care concept

Lawn care is growing extremely fast in the US. 20 years ago 5% of people paid to get their lawn mowed. Today 40% do. 10 years from now 60% will. That is a lot of new customers coming on the market every day. This was my first business as a 13 year old in 2003. […]

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6 mins read

Effective marketing is laser focused

The highest ROI you will ever achieve is when you spend money to reach out and touch the people who need exactly what you are selling. Who is the one type of person who your business is designed for?  Who is your perfect customer? What life event just happened to them that makes them need what you are selling? […]

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February 12, 2019 2 mins read

Eager professionalism

ea·ger pro·fes·sion·al·ism – /ˈēɡər/ /prəˈfeSHənlˌizəm/ (of a business) the strong desire and excitement to exude competence and skill. Invest in the customer experience and you will reap the rewards. It starts by answering the phone with a smile on your face, excitement in your tone and a genuine desire to add value first and profit […]

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February 11, 2019 2 mins read
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Idea Generation 101

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179: How profitable is a self storage facility?

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