Category: Uncategorized

Raising kids the right way and the struggle we’re forced to embrace

I write often about money and how to make more of it. But what about being happy, healthy, a father, a husband, a friend? In this email I talk about sucking at one of those things and how I’ve dealt with it. If you’d rather listen in podcast format, click here. Five months ago, the day […]

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May 13, 2024 10 mins read

NOI — the most important term in real estate

In this email, we’re going to unpack one of the most important metrics you’ll find in real estate: NOI. NOI stands for NET OPERATING INCOME — and you’ll use this measure throughout your career, so you better get familiar with it. The podcast episode last week about my trip to Raleigh to get together with a group of entrepreneurs was […]

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3 mins read

I spent the weekend with multi-millionaires – here is what I learned

I was lucky enough to spend the weekend with some very successful people. My friend Shaan Puri put together a group of 24 entrepreneurs, rented a few big Airbnbs and scheduled a chef and rented a basketball court in Raleigh NC. There were a few billionaires and famous people. A handful of folks with companies […]

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6 mins read

How seller financing works and how you can utilize it on your next deal

So you’re ready to put together your first deal. You’ve got your playbook mapped out: buy property, increase NOI or roll-up, create value — and profit. But you can’t source debt cheap enough (or enough of it) to get a deal done. In comes seller financing, discussed below. A quick sponsor note: As you know, […]

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4 mins read

Why you should start sharing what you know on the internet

I started sharing everything about my life and business on The Sweaty Startup podcast in December of 2018. On last week’s episode of the that podcast I talk about how the wealthiest folks I know got their start. Hint – it isn’t the way you think it might have happened. Check that out here. Back to […]

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3 mins read

How leverage can amplify your returns and your losses

So you’re ready to put together your first deal. You’ve got your playbook mapped out: buy property, increase NOI or roll-up, create value — and profit. In this email we’ll discuss the almighty tool – leverage – and how it can both help and hurt you. On last week’s episode of the Nick Huber Show […]

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13 mins read

Leverage — and 15 other Real Estate terms you should know

I love breaking down my deals and sharing real estate principles. Giving people a window into my world demystifies the process of purchasing and managing real estate. I love it when the light bulb turns on and something clicks. To help more of those light bulbs go off the next few weeks, I’m going to […]

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5 mins read

How real estate investors make millions each year but pay almost nothing in taxes

Hey Reader, Many of the wealthiest people in our country earn millions of dollars per year and pay almost nothing in taxes. How? They invest in real estate and utilize “depreciation” to offset their cash gains from real estate and other businesses. I personally made a good amount of money last year, but ended up […]

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9 mins read

✉️ An inside look at my May 2022 investor letter (sent to 275 active investors in my storage deals)

Today’s newsletter is a look at how I communicate with our partners and investors. I’m including an edited version – mostly formatting to make this more readable — it was sent out as a PDF on company letterhead. A lot has changed since we did our very first deal in Ithaca. In the early days, […]

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12 mins read

Interest rates are rising… What it means for me and other real estate investors

Rates are going up. The equity markets are volatile. Growth stocks are getting hammered. A lot of uncertainty and fear in the markets. What does it mean for self storage and real estate as a whole? I see this playing out one of two ways. Back to the state of the market. As you know, […]

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5 mins read
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These are all businesses and markets that I love. The competition is weak. The market is growing. The costs and risks are low. The odds are good. You can analyze the market and make accurate decisions on where there is opportunity to thrive. You can win. Start small. Start low skilled and low risk if […]

Idea Generation 101

This is an analytical approach to identifying and exploring new business opportunities. This is designed around service-based businesses but the concepts can be applied to any business. In order to compete you need to have a competitive advantage in one of three areas: speed, price or quality. The goal here is to look for holes […]

Essential Tools

There is a proven playbook to grow companies. What tools to use, agencies to hire, strategies to employ. I’ve launched 9 companies in my life – two of which are fairly large with 40 + employees and hundreds of thousands in monthly revenue. People ask me all the time for vendor recommendations. Who builds my […]

179: How profitable is a self storage facility?

In today’s episode, Nick talks about a self-storage facility that he and his partner bought in July of 2019. He goes over the numbers of buying it, operating it, and income from units being rented out, as well as expenses. His goal is to show you just how profitable a self-storage facility is. This property […]

Businesses I Hate

Prefer a more positive outlook? Check out the businesses I love. I don’t like businesses that have a lot of passionate people involved. Businesses that are fun and are a lot of people’s hobbies. Passionate people think with their hearts instead of analyzing the markets. Passionate people make poor decisions. Passionate people start companies because […]

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