Author: Nick
The housing cartels
Housing is so expensive in America’s top 10 cities that only the wealthy can afford to buy a home or even rent an apartment. What factor is at play that everyone is missing? I feel very strongly about this one and I have a bit of a unique opinion. Housing is astronomically expensive because there […]
Read More ...People do business with people they like
Its easy to forget that doing business is very much an emotional decision. People are way more likely to buy something from somebody or hire someone who they get a good feeling from. Don’t be a robot. Personalize your website. Personalize your emails. Make people read the “about us” section of your website and begin […]
Read More ...Evening routine
Evenings are tough because they are not as predictable as mornings. You have social events, work emergencies, date nights etc. I manage a predictable evening most days and here is my routine: First I make a to do list for tomorrow. Everything I need to do organized from most important to least important. This clears […]
Read More ...The power smoothie
This smoothie has evolved over time and has turned into my daily mid morning snack or lunch replacement. Very healthy and easy. Ingredients in order: .5-1 cup frozen blueberries (I buy in 3 lb bags from Aldi) 1-2 cups kale (chopped kale keeps longer than spinach) Water to about 3/4 full BLEND 1 scoop pea […]
Read More ...The Pro Forma
A pro forma financial projection model is your best friend. Use Excel or Google Sheets to build out your models and do a lot of research on your industry standards and fill in blanks with actual expenses and revenue estimates per customer. Costs will vary at different customer levels so make educated (and research based) […]
Read More ...The upper body ripper
This is a workout I developed while in college and have found it to be an excellent way to quickly and efficiently build upper body definition and muscle. Make sure to accompany this workout with cardio on the other days of the week. No long breaks. No catching your breath. You go through each workout […]
Read More ...Expensive cities have the best opportunities
Expensive cities with high cost of living have amazing opportunities for service based entrepreneurs. NYC, DC, Boston, all of Cali, all of Canada, all of Europe. Anywhere where hourly labor is in low supply. Here is why: First of all there is a huge demand for services in expensive cities because people and companies are […]
Read More ...The only kind of goals that work
When you are starting a company time is of the essence. You need to learn and sell and get your service to market as fast as possible. Your opportunity cost is huge. You could be earning in the workforce or pursuing any number of opportunities. Its time to get uncomfortable. Its time to set goals. […]
Read More ...Simplify the job
I hear people say all the time that the key to success in entrepreneurship is finding great people. That if you can find people who care about your business like you do you will succeed. News flash. Nobody will care about your business like you do. Why would they? Stop looking for people like this […]
Read More ...Get comfortable in uncomfortable situations
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsch If its comfortable it probably isn’t getting you anywhere. Getting that safe job and going to that safe college and minimizing as much risk as possible is comfortable. But is that how you get ahead? Is that how you design your own lifestyle? […]
Read More ...Get notified of new courses
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