Deal Breakdowns

Lawn care concept

Lawn care is growing extremely fast in the US. 20 years ago 5% of people paid to get their lawn mowed. Today 40% do. 10 years from now 60% will. That is a lot of new customers coming on the market every day. This was my first business as a 13 year old in 2003. […]

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February 13, 2019 6 mins read

Effective marketing is laser focused

The highest ROI you will ever achieve is when you spend money to reach out and touch the people who need exactly what you are selling. Who is the one type of person who your business is designed for?  Who is your perfect customer? What life event just happened to them that makes them need what you are selling? […]

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February 12, 2019 2 mins read

Eager professionalism

ea·ger pro·fes·sion·al·ism – /ˈēɡər/ /prəˈfeSHənlˌizəm/ (of a business) the strong desire and excitement to exude competence and skill. Invest in the customer experience and you will reap the rewards. It starts by answering the phone with a smile on your face, excitement in your tone and a genuine desire to add value first and profit […]

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February 11, 2019 2 mins read

Why services over tech or products?

Service based entrepreneurship is what I promote for a number of reasons. People are specializing more and outsourcing the services they need in their home and business. More and more customers come on the market every day. 20 years ago 5% of people paid to have their lawn mowed. Today 40% do. In 10 years […]

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February 8, 2019 3 mins read

How to start a thermal imaging or home inspection company

When you get home from work one day go to your computer instead of the couch. Buy a domain and get hosting. I like Bluehost for a cheap yet reliable option. Set up a website with WordPress. Pay someone on a freelancing site to create a simple logo and some marketing material for you. Make […]

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February 7, 2019 4 mins read

A great entrepreneur’s Rules of Success

I saw this post online recently: These can be inferred from various interviews of a great businessman: Never give up (his famous words: “I don’t ever give up. I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated”) Really like what you do Don’t listen to the little man (as in, seek advice from people you look […]

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February 6, 2019 4 mins read

Start lean and stay lean

Your hypothesis (that there is a hole in the market for you) is still an educated guess until you get out and sell it and prove it. Don’t invest heavily until you know the demand is there and you have the customers to prove it. You can (and you should) build out your financial projections […]

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February 5, 2019 11 mins read

Double down on your strengths

“Someone who practices a thousand kicks once is no where near as scary as someone who practices one kick a thousand times.” – Bruce Lee Too many entrepreneurs think that in order to make millions you need to influence millions. Don’t be afraid to narrow your focus. Start local and start small. You only need […]

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February 1, 2019 4 mins read

Essential Tools

There is a proven playbook to grow companies. What tools to use, agencies to hire, strategies to employ. I’ve launched 9 companies in my life – two of which are fairly large with 40 + employees and hundreds of thousands in monthly revenue. People ask me all the time for vendor recommendations. Who builds my […]

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January 30, 2019 8 mins read

How I made $10k in one weekend as a college student with no cash

It was about 8 weeks before graduation weekend in my college town in 2012. I was a senior about to graduate. My mother was bugging me to help her find a hotel near campus for graduation weekend. For her, my father, my grandparents and my sister. Three rooms. I called about 10 hotels around campus. […]

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January 28, 2019 4 mins read
Top Articles

Businesses I Love

These are all businesses and markets that I love. The competition is weak. The market is growing. The costs and risks are low. The odds are good. You can analyze the market and make accurate decisions on where there is opportunity to thrive. You can win. Start small. Start low skilled and low risk if […]

Idea Generation 101

This is an analytical approach to identifying and exploring new business opportunities. This is designed around service-based businesses but the concepts can be applied to any business. In order to compete you need to have a competitive advantage in one of three areas: speed, price or quality. The goal here is to look for holes […]

Essential Tools

There is a proven playbook to grow companies. What tools to use, agencies to hire, strategies to employ. I’ve launched 9 companies in my life – two of which are fairly large with 40 + employees and hundreds of thousands in monthly revenue. People ask me all the time for vendor recommendations. Who builds my […]

179: How profitable is a self storage facility?

In today’s episode, Nick talks about a self-storage facility that he and his partner bought in July of 2019. He goes over the numbers of buying it, operating it, and income from units being rented out, as well as expenses. His goal is to show you just how profitable a self-storage facility is. This property […]

Businesses I Hate

Prefer a more positive outlook? Check out the businesses I love. I don’t like businesses that have a lot of passionate people involved. Businesses that are fun and are a lot of people’s hobbies. Passionate people think with their hearts instead of analyzing the markets. Passionate people make poor decisions. Passionate people start companies because […]

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