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Over the last few years, I’ve recorded 300+ podcast episodes and written over 200 articles sharing my philosophy on life and business. 

Beyond my blog, I write a weekly newsletter to 42,000+ people about real-estate, entrepreneurship, and what it takes to build wealth and succeed over time. 

Want to learn more? Subscribe. 

If you’re new to my content and community, here’s where you should start:

  • 1. Say hello on Twitter. I post daily on Twitter and have a ton of fun sharing my thoughts on life, business, family, friends, marketing, and more.  
  • 2. Listen to my podcasts. I currently have 2. 

First, The Nick Huber Show where I share tactical advice on real estate investing, fundraising, operations, how to structure deals, key terms that you should know, and more. If you build, buy, invest in, or operate real-estate, start here.

Next is The Sweaty Startup Podcast where I go beyond real-estate to share more advice and lessons learned on how to succeed in life and business overall. I discuss everything from my entrepreneurial journey, to conquering the messy middle, how to generate money while you sleep, the biggest mistake I see entrepreneurs make, how to effectively delegate, and much, much more. 

Once you have read or listened to some of my content, check out my companies below.

In the last 9 months, I have co-founded 6 new businesses including RE Cost Set, RecruitJet, Titan Risk, Blue Key Capital, Tax Credit Hunter, and WebRun Labs. If you or your business needs help with real estate cost segregation, recruiting, commercial property insurance, securing debt (coming soon) tax credits, or web design and development, please reach out to one of my companies above. 

Self Storage

As most of you know, I run a self storage company called Bolt Storage with over 1.8 million square feet and 62 properties across 11 states. I also have 300+ active investors. I share everything I know here!

Learn about self storage >

Businesses I Love

Here are some of the businesses that I love that you can build the sweaty startup way. In my opinion, the competition is weak. The market is growing. The costs and risks are low. The odds are good and you can win.

Why They Work >

Businesses I Hate

I’m not saying that you can’t be successful in these areas. You can win and win big. But, the odds are against you.

Why They Don’t Work >


This is an analytical approach to identifying and exploring new business opportunities. Find your Sweaty Startup idea here!

Start Generating Ideas >

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The most popular way to connect with me is through my weekly newsletter. Join 42,000+ people learning about real-estate, entrepreneurship, and what it takes to build wealth and succeed over time.

I always keep my newsletters practical, tactical, and concise. There is no spam and no BS…. just  actionable content to help you grow your business.

Useful Resources

Guides, posts, and episodes to help you launch your sweaty startup

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